Friday, October 24, 2008

Hello There Sports Fans

For those of you from the Canadian Prairies. It's been a beautiful fall day, as illustrated to the left.(if you're American think Montana)
This is the inaugural edition of "AMAZING BOOK REVEIWS"
TITLE: The GO-GIVER BY Bob Burg & J D Mann
This short to the point and very accessible book is written as a parable. It chonicles a week in the life of "Joe". (not "Joe the plumber") Our leading man is having a challenging time in sales but is blessed by an encounter with Pindar. The authors use Joe's meetings with a succession of Pindar's friends to introduce and illustrate: "The Five Laws of Stratospheric Success". Joe then struggles to apply the day's lesson in his business and personal life.
Wether its developing a Personal Mission Statement or just re-setting some goals for yourself you will find this an encouraging page turner. You'll learn and be reminded of some things you allready knew; but we can all be blessed by being re-enthused periodically to be real and to work at improving our serve. Are you adept at receiving "it's a Law".
You'll be able to think of ten people you'll want to give this book to.
Remember "readers are leaders", you can.
Art Stott

Saturday, October 18, 2008

OK whats happenning in here/

Hope you've enjoyed the Fall so far it's been beautiful here in Calgary. Real Estate is going well the # of sales are down from the craziness of last year but the prices are doing just fine. C M H C is predicting a small increase in $ for 2009. In the mean time (no pun intended) E-commerce is getting set to explode. More people are staying at home to do their shopping at 2 AM in their pj.s. If you are looking for a way to provide a benefit to those on your client list, at no cost (ie free) to you, take a look at my Personal Achievement site . If you you going through a slower business cycle take advantage of it to get yourself organized and figure out how to improve your serve.

Art Stott

Personal Achievement Coach