Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Change is Good, You Have the Gift of Vision!

How can you improve yourself to attract attractive people. How can you better communicate your committedness to the project /cause.
The power of your spoken words can bring others to contribute their influence / "power" to the goal. It is all about them but their grasp of the idea / ideal may be dependent on you. I'snt it amazining that when you demonstrate enthusiasm that helps others to see that they can be better or more effective partners, friends, parents and examples within their sphere of influence.
Remember leadership is influence, it's necessary to develop yourself first.
Who are you listening to as a personal or business mentor?
Who is the most postive person you have ever heard?
Are you spending time with them, learning what they have learned, listening to how they speak to others, observing how they affect others?
Why not?
Change is not an option, it's a symptom of being alive. It will be a priviledge we can enjoy, if we are willing to grab a paddle and look ahead to a better destination.
Make a committment to yourself to make a postive deposit in your mind today!
Art Stott
Personal Achievement Coach

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Time for taste of winter? Well it is November so into our lives a little snow must fall, yes?

Apparently it's the 30th anniversary of the Jones town Massacre.

Two days after the election of Mr Obama, I'm thinking that those folks who believe that the U.S. government can / will save them will experience some discouragement, 4-8 years worth. It's saddening to hear the "Leader of the Free World" characterize unplanned children as a punishment. Whatever you may think of Rev Jeremiah Wright (the President elects "ex-pastor"), he no doubt understands that "children are a blessing from God". Our brothers of Ishmael's descendants recognize and accept this blessing. It seems that we in the "developed world" have adopted death is a tool that we are willing to use for social purposes, assisted suicide or abortion on demand.

So while you contemplate what personal achievement means to you, take a moment to pray for our leaders that their hearts might be changed, that they will see to promote the choices of life and blessings not death and punishment.

We need to acknowledge our current location and the road ahead in order to orient ourselves to our desired destination, grace; hope to see you there.

Next post to come book review of Og Mandino's "The Greatest Miracle".
Thanks Art

Friday, October 24, 2008

Hello There Sports Fans

For those of you from the Canadian Prairies. It's been a beautiful fall day, as illustrated to the left.(if you're American think Montana)
This is the inaugural edition of "AMAZING BOOK REVEIWS"
TITLE: The GO-GIVER BY Bob Burg & J D Mann
This short to the point and very accessible book is written as a parable. It chonicles a week in the life of "Joe". (not "Joe the plumber") Our leading man is having a challenging time in sales but is blessed by an encounter with Pindar. The authors use Joe's meetings with a succession of Pindar's friends to introduce and illustrate: "The Five Laws of Stratospheric Success". Joe then struggles to apply the day's lesson in his business and personal life.
Wether its developing a Personal Mission Statement or just re-setting some goals for yourself you will find this an encouraging page turner. You'll learn and be reminded of some things you allready knew; but we can all be blessed by being re-enthused periodically to be real and to work at improving our serve. Are you adept at receiving "it's a Law".
You'll be able to think of ten people you'll want to give this book to.
Remember "readers are leaders", you can.
Art Stott

Saturday, October 18, 2008

OK whats happenning in here/

Hope you've enjoyed the Fall so far it's been beautiful here in Calgary. Real Estate is going well the # of sales are down from the craziness of last year but the prices are doing just fine. C M H C is predicting a small increase in $ for 2009. In the mean time (no pun intended) E-commerce is getting set to explode. More people are staying at home to do their shopping at 2 AM in their pj.s. If you are looking for a way to provide a benefit to those on your client list, at no cost (ie free) to you, take a look at my Personal Achievement site http://www.artstott.com/ . If you you going through a slower business cycle take advantage of it to get yourself organized and figure out how to improve your serve.

Art Stott

Personal Achievement Coach

